While freezing, water in the tofu expands and causes small pockets to form in the block. It is these tiny caverns that give the tofu its spongy feel. The caverns also allow the tofu to soak up marinades better than traditional tofu. Frozen tofu also takes on a yellowish hue, but quickly returns to a whiter color once it is thawed and pressed.
Frozen Tofu
While freezing, water in the tofu expands and causes small pockets to form in the block. It is these tiny caverns that give the tofu its spongy feel. The caverns also allow the tofu to soak up marinades better than traditional tofu. Frozen tofu also takes on a yellowish hue, but quickly returns to a whiter color once it is thawed and pressed. - See more at: http://tofuxpress.com/freezing-tofu/#sthash.XAFHtzdU.dpuf